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The Invisible Man


A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

The Time Machine

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Quick Overview

ISBN : 978-93-81438-58-9
AUTHOR NAME : LS Editorial Team
YEAR: 2023
MEDIUM: English
Format: Paper Back

Availability: In stock

Rs 145.00


"The writer is an English scientist and gentleman in-ventor living in Richmond, Surrey, identified by a narrator simply as the Time Traveller. The narrator recounts the Traveller's lecture to his weekly dinner guests that time is simply a fourth dimension, and his demonstration of a tabletop model machine for travelling through it. He reveals that he has built a machine capable of carrying a person, and returns at dinner the following week to recount a remarkable tale, becoming the new narrator. In the new narrative, the Time Traveller tests his device with a journey that takes him to 802,701 A.D., where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings, doing no work and having a frugivorous diet..."